Saturday, July 4, 2009

July Happenings!

Did I hear someone say a busy month? But this is summer, right? A time to kick back, vacation, and generally mosey on down the road. Well not for me. Summer School has started and my calendar is really filling up. Engagement parties, baby showers, birthdays, and so much more. I'll also be helping some music educators with integrating core content into some newly developed jazz lessons for K-8 students.

Some other good news. I've just signed my third contract with The Wild Rose Press. Friday the Thirteenth is a short story offered as a free read. It's about a shape-shifter who gets to be human for one year. Of course, there's romance...

I recently workshoped with Margie Lawson and learned so much in one day that my brain was spinning. Getting the short story ready for release and finding time to re-edit Inheritance, Book 3 in The Champion Chronicles, will come in dribs and drabs for the next few weeks. But there's always August...

Here are some "author" happenings going on in July.

Be sure to check out the "LET FREEDOM RING" summer guest blog event going on at
Daily prizes and a great Grand Prize. YOU may be the winner!! I'll be blogging over at her site on July 20th. Lots of great authors are there. Please stop by.

While we're on special events, don't forget about THE FINE GRIND BOOK SIGNING - Saturday, July 25th on Rte. 23 South in Little Falls, NJ.
Talk about a great cup of coffee! I'll be there from 10 till Noon signing my debut novel Retribution! As part of The coffee house's "Meet the Author" series, the book is right their on the shelf and still on sale. If you surf web, look for it on B & N, Target, and not to mention various sights (including one in Italian). The Kindle version is available as well.

Speaking of Amazon, there's a new 5 star reader review which states: "I am very anxious for the sequel!" That warmed my heart. Gave me a few tingles, too. I can promise you that Book 2, Consequences, is worth the wait.

So now that I've rambled and shamelessly promoted, let me know what you have happening in July. We can compare calendars.

Enjoy the summer!


Jenn Nixon said...

Congrats on the review! Can't wait to see you again. Happy 4th!!

M.Flagg said...

Happy 4th to you as well! Thanks for stopping by, Jenn.

Tori said...

Please let me know if you ever have a book signing in the city--I'll be there!

M.Flagg said...

The city!!? As in NY? Whoa... You'll just have to come out to little old Jersey. Of course, if you know of any little venues that'd host a novice novel writer, I'm your writer! Love to you, Torti...

Dayana said...

Hey Mickey, congrats on the great review, the book signing, and thank you so much for the mention:)
