Friday, July 24, 2009

With a little help

There are times when I just feel blessed. I'm sure that many of you will agree, it's an awesome as well as awe-inspiring feeling. But no one greets success alone. If you look over your shoulder, either left or right, there are friends and family plugging for you, edging you on, believing in your dream.

This leads me to say that angels come in all sizes and shapes in our lives. Some lurk in the shadows of our past, a mere remembrance of a secure hug or a gentle kiss. Others pass like stormy wind through tree branches, only momentarily touching our lives. Then there are the forever angels who through the years, pause with us and cry with us, who remain constant through thick and thin. They rejoice when we sing and create memorable mantras when we slack off.

Sometimes we just have to pause and show our appreciation. I treasure every angel that I call a friend. Like I said, I'm blessed with fabulous family and graced with the friendship of those I choose to call family. I keep that circle tight and private. You know who you are. That's all that matters.

I just had to share this thought. I had to put it to post because at my most helpless times, the rush of angels felt as real as the pain. And I survived.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful thought. I can only hope I'm included in your count, as I count you as one of mine . . .

M.Flagg said...

Yep. You're one of them, so I'll share this with you. I found out that someone requested and took my boook out of the public library today. What a strange feeling!

Dayana said...


Such lovely thoughts voiced in beautiful words and metaphors as well imagery. Thank you for sharing this. It is an awe-inspiring post that I will come back to read again and again.

Oh and congratulations on your very successful book signing. Whoa! first time out the gate and you ROCKED! and of course, your library experience:)
